dream BIG! week five

Pg 14 of Taking Flight emphasizes the importance of journaling as a part of discovering/uncovering your dreams.
Since journaling happens to be a spiritual disciple I have practiced I thought I would interview myself (he he he) on the subject?
How long have you been journaling?
My mom would say she got me my first journal at age 5 which would mean I have been keeping a journal of some kind or another for 32 years. She got it for me because of my vivid and detailed dreams. This was my place even as young as 5 to document what was happening. My journals have remained a place I chronicle my dream life. I have had numerous occasions that my dreams have become reality. I have always said that God and I communicate best through my sleep time. Therefore it makes sense for me to have a journal beside my bed and have a place to write out what is on my mind in my waking moments.
If someone has NEVER journaled where would they start?
Step one: Find a journal or make a journal you LOVE. If you have something you enjoy then you will be excited to see it and spend time with it each day. Step Two: Get a pen you love. Nothing it more annoying than starting to write and having your pen not work or just a pen that doesn’t write as smooth as you like. Step three: Simply write. I have always loved the concept of Morning Pages that Julia Cameron teaches about in The Artists Way. The concept is that every morning as soon as you wake (skip the potty, coffee and brushing teeth) and write THREE FULL PAGES without stopping. It may include your dreams, your to do list, the fact that you are annoying that can’t stop,etc. The point it to MAKE yourself write and create a habit.
Why? Why would someone start a journal?
For me journaling is the way I talk back and forth with God. It is the way I hear Him and how He is directing me, moving me and pushing me. By keeping those directives in a journal I can look back on them. I can see where I obeyed and where I strayed. I can see how He answers my prayers. I can also see very clearly the God given dreams I have honored and the ones I have allowed fear to get in the way of. My journal is also a very good friend to me and allows me to vent. No one judging me or trying to fix the situation.
Does journaling look the same every day?
I can say that prior to kids my journaling life was consistent. Now I have had to make changes...I like to call it a new phase. Some days a blog post is my journal, some days I open a word document and just write or I have used an email to myself to serve as my means or journaling. All this to say is that you may have to change it up depending on what life looks like. But, if you are in the midst of trying to hear God and the direction He has for your life then I strongly encourage a consistent journaling life.

Kelly Rae Roberts encourages making your own journal for fun. Are you panicking? DON’T! There are lots of options. You can buy a composition book at Target, scrapbook paper and stickers and go to town. You can cover a blank book with fabric. You can make a cover with empty cereal boxes and tie notebook paper inside.  You do this so that you feel invested. And your journal becomes something you care about.
Hope you are excited about the possibility of hearing your dreams in a new way. 

P.S. - Going offline for a bit. In the last days of prepping for Avery's 1st birthday party. 

Ginger (February 10, 2011 at 7:58 AM)  

I'm about to finish the last pages in my current journal. I have never, never, never made my own journal. I DID get my first hot glue gun for my birthday. GULP. :)

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Joyful Remarks